Dental Specialities in Silver Spring, MD: Enhance Your Smile with KSDental

Welcome to KSDental – Your Trusted Source for Comprehensive Dental Care!

Are you seeking a brighter, healthier smile that reflects your inner confidence? Look no further! At KS Dental, we believe in transforming smiles and improving lives through top-notch dental care. Our commitment to excellence, combined with over 35 years of serving the Washington, DC area, sets us apart as your reliable partner in oral health. Let's embark on a journey to explore the world of dental specialties in Silver Spring, MD, and discover how our experienced team can elevate your dental experience.

Unveiling Our Dental Specialties

At KSDental, we're passionate about offering a range of specialized dental services that cater to your unique needs. Our team of dedicated professionals is here to guide you through various services that ensure your smile radiates with beauty and vitality.

Hygiene Procedures:

  • Professional Cleanings: Achieve that squeaky-clean feeling with our thorough professional cleanings that banish plaque and tartar buildup.

  • Periodontal (Scaling & Root Planning): Experience a deep clean that targets gum disease and promotes overall oral health.

  • Home Care Recommendations: Learn personalized techniques and tips to maintain your oral hygiene regimen between visits.

Restorative Dental Procedures:

  • Fillings: Repair cavities and restore the integrity of your teeth with our high-quality dental fillings.

  • Crowns, Onlays & Inlays: Regain your smile's strength and aesthetics through customized restorations that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.

  • Fixed Bridges & Implant Restorations: Replace missing teeth and enjoy improved functionality and appearance.

  • Sealants: Shield your teeth against decay with protective sealants, especially effective for molars and premolars.

Diagnostic/Referral Services:

  • Implants: Explore a permanent solution for missing teeth that enhances your smile and boosts your confidence.

  • Periodontal Disease: Address gum health and prevent further complications through timely diagnosis and treatment.

  • Orthodontic Correction: Discover options for aligning your teeth and achieving the smile you've always wanted.

  • Oral Surgery, Endodontic & TMJ Problems: Receive expert guidance and referrals for complex dental issues.

Cosmetic Procedures:

  1. Tooth Whitening (At Home): Brighten your teeth in the comfort of your own home with our safe and effective whitening solutions.

  2. Porcelain Veneers: Achieve a flawless smile by concealing imperfections with thin, natural-looking veneers.

  3. All Porcelain Crowns: Enhance your teeth' aesthetics and functionality with durable, lifelike crowns.

Your Journey to a Stunning Smile

At KSDental, we are committed to providing you with a dental experience that is comfortable, personalized, and results-driven. With our comprehensive range of dental specialties, you can embark on a journey toward a healthier, more radiant smile. Our caring team, modern facilities, and dedication to staying at the forefront of dental advancements ensure that your needs are met beyond your expectations.


Your smile is your greatest asset, and KSDental is here to help you nurture and enhance it. As a trusted name in dental specialties in Silver Spring, MD, we invite you to experience the difference that personalized, exceptional dental care can make. Don't wait – take the first step towards achieving the smile of your dreams. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or inquire about our services. Let us partner with you on your journey to optimal oral health and a confident, beautiful smile. Reach out to us today at 301-495-9222 to schedule your appointment or address any inquiries you may have. We are excited to welcome you to the KS Dental family! Remember, your smile deserves nothing but the best. Choose KSDental – where excellence meets compassion.



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